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TY-EL | Quantum Architect

Leo & Lion's Gate Archetypes Quantum Healing

Leo & Lion's Gate Archetypes Quantum Healing

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Authentic cosmic body alignment of LEO: ~August 10 - September 15. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out. This is based on the alignments of the actual cosmic bodies, not a locked calendar system.

As our consciousness naturally navigates through the lens of our embodiment, the outer realities reflect this back to us. The cosmos are an outward reflection of our inner journey of re-membrance. The Zodiac represents certain architectural, archetypal, and alchemical processes. We can take advantage of the awareness of these themes to help guide us on our journey of re-membering our more expanded Self.

Leo is Stage 5 in the progression of our inner and outer alchemy through the Zodiac in a solar cycle. The sun is in Leo from around August 10th - about September 15th. There are natural alchemical themes that are available to us that we work through whether we're conscious or not but we can lean into the themes to potentiate the organic alchemy.

Leo is associated with the 5th sphere of our base 12 human template, the 5th primary energy center at the throat, the Archetypal Mind, the element of fire, the tetrahedron, the light blue spectrum, the Sun, sound octaves of E, the Law of Suggestion, the alchemical themes of Digestion & Conversion, and areas of the body; heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, thymus - and much more.

Many believe the Lion's Gate portal to be on 8-8 but in actuality it's when our Sun, Sirius, Rigel (in Orion), and Regulus (in Leo) come into a particular alignment. This stream of data exchange between these star systems opens up a "gate" through the Cradle of Lyra in structural dimensions 10, 11, & 12. This is the Avatar Matrix, our holographic heritage. This alignment takes place from about August 22-27, 2024. 

With the awareness of what we are already naturally navigating we can take advantage of these themes as our Sol (our sun) is in this alignment. We can take action or we can simply be aware these themes may organically present themselves to us. We can choose to consciously work with the astral body, the water element, our heart center, the color spectrum green/emerald, gnosis of the rhythm of creation, the icosahedron, alchemy utilizing gold & silver (such as in healing or tools), purging & detoxing, and dismantling of relationship structures that are no longer serving.

We've shared some concise information for Leo below for your reference:

LEO – Approximately August 10th to September 15th (check an app like Stellarium to see where the Sun is authentically aligned)

  • Alchemical Theme: Digestion & Conversion
  • Elemental Relationship: Fire
  • Elemental Form: Tetrahedron
  • Color Spectrum: Blue
  • Alchemical Metal: Gold
  • Sound Tone: E
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: The "Soul" Matrix in HU2
  • Areas of the Body: Heart, back, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior and inferior vena cava, thymus.
  • Astrological Correspondence: Sol/Sun, Tara (higher version of Earth), Maldek
  • Planetary Stargate 5 ( Machu Picchu, Peru / Inner: Vatican, Rome)
  • Galactic Stargate 5 (Maldek & Tara)
  • Universal Stargate 5 (Pleiades)
  • Structural Dimension 5 (Archetypal Mind)
  • Tribe 5 of the 12 tribes
  • Energy Center: Throat
  • Law of Suggestion

Ascension Alchemy of Leo:

The slow process of transforming through low heat to create new chemical composition to assist in cleansing and absorption. Consider it like consuming food, we transform the chemical elements in the food to transform it to accessible energy.

In alchemy, digestion refers to the process of applying gentle heat to a substance for several weeks to change its composition. This involves absorbing and integrating new elements or energies into our awareness, while removing old emotions or unnecessary energies. This process helps convert new energies into a deeper part of our being. It’s about processing changes in our consciousness and life experiences by resolving old patterns and emotional issues. By accurately observing and understanding our world, we can heal emotional pain and see the truth more clearly. Accepting our reality as it is and recognizing a higher power helps us make better decisions and embrace all things more fully.

Embodiment properties of Leo:

WILL. Ego, Basic Personality, Consciousness, Vitality, Stamina, Self confidence, self-expression, conscious will, loyalty, character, influence, capability

Law of Suggestion:

In essence, we are shaped by the cumulative impact of our thoughts and beliefs, which are influenced by spoken words, personal experiences, cultural exposure, and the wisdom of our spiritual selves. Suggestion plays a key role here; it's the psychological process where one person influences another's thoughts, feelings, or behavior, such as in parenting.

What we hear, see, and perceive through our ego influences what we become. This principle also highlights the need to develop inner strength to move beyond the accumulated suggestions from our environment, including inherited beliefs and habits from our families. To shift away from these influences, we need to focus our mental energy on positive thoughts and loving intentions, transforming them into our reality. The key is to remain an observer without attachment to the outcome.

Developing discipline and inner strength involves examining and redirecting inherited thoughts and behaviors towards more positive and loving actions that reflect our highest self. We constantly interact with energetic patterns through spoken words and suggestions that impact us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, this natural process is manipulated by controlling forces through electronic harassment and mind control, which disrupts our ability to receive genuine messages from our higher intelligence.

Powerful emotions, whether positive or negative, influence how our thoughts manifest into reality. Fearful emotions often hinder positive outcomes, as fear programming through subliminal suggestions blocks clear and coherent energy from manifesting. To achieve emotional clarity and personal growth, we must manage our instinctual desires and negative emotions, focusing our energy on enlightenment and personal freedom.

Opening our heart and practicing kindness toward ourselves and others cleanses our mind of impurities and fear-based thoughts. This allows us to overcome artificial suggestions and align with our spiritual blueprint, achieving our personal goals and fulfilling our spiritual mission.

Through our energy centers, we attract subtle energies from the Solar Light, which we channel into creating a harmonious environment. Our goal is to embody and express our inner light, aligning our life force with our heart’s inspirations. By consciously directing our power toward higher purposes and service to others, we enhance our ability to manifest peace and spiritual strength, connecting with the solar light and building our Lightbody, in accordance with the Law of Strength.

Do you have questions about this Zodiac or how these alchemical themes apply to our re-membrance (ascension/incension) process? Leave us a comment and we'll discuss! 

Remember: We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!

@tyelfeels ✨🦁♌️ Leo is the 5th sign in the solar cycle. We can take advantage of the alchemical themes associated withe Leo to turbo boost our alignment journey as the stars are an outer reflection of our inner journey as our “Soul” (Sol) navigates the cosmic code. #leoseason #alchemy #zodiac #lionsgate #888 #throatchakra #kathara #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualtiktok #spiritualawakening #energyhealing #lightcodes #ascension #newearth #starseed #healingjourney #CapCut ♬ Armor of God - Spiritual Warfare Music Epic
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