Preparing For A Session

Why "TY-EL"?

TY-EL is the designation we have given to our collective expressions of self through the filters of the personality structure of my human identity; Ty. When doing this work we are a unique mix and exchange of information/data/expression from countless multidimensional aspects but will always create a different co-creative identity. 

This designation is multidimensional code itself. For starters, it's a truncated version of our actual human name... both the full first name but also the first and last name. The hyphen represents structure; the bridging between ideas. TY-EL is capitalized as it represents a non-incarnate identity as it's a co-creation between multidimensional aspects. 

EL is also code. It represents an expression of our higher self embodiment. It can be recognized as "The Whole" or "of God". EL is also recognized as an expression of structure itself. Essentially TY-EL is the idea of my Highest Self merged with all expressions down to the lowest self in the action of service to the Whole; The All That Is; God. 

For these reasons and more, TY-EL is not a simple handle it is representative of our existential nature of living organic code with the embodiment action of service to All; Unity.

Quantum Architect?

As a Quantum Architect, TY-EL works a little different than many other facilitators. Ty works through the necessary layers and structures to help shift out discordant energy and code to help the recipient align to a more expanded embodiment. The information relevant to our physical experience is held within aspects of our morphogenetic field; our energetic blueprint.

Our physical bodies are holographic living biological machines. Holographic means that any part of the whole is contained within any smaller part. It is fractal mechanics. Each area of the body is responsible for the processing of certain types of programs; thought forms and emotions. We experience many different stories in our reality and the core programs wear many costumes but what is true is the core code and structures themselves. 

Working directly with the energetic structures allows for us to often bypass the attachment to stories and costumes. Stories can be powerful tools for understanding ourselves better but humans often get attached to the stories and holding onto them cycles the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors back through our manifest reality. 

The True Earth Template

Many speak of "New Earth" but what does that mean? Well technically, on the true organic "ascension/incension" path we are not necessarily going somewhere "new" but returning to original eternal possibilities. For this reason, True Earth feels more appropriate. However, we recognize that everything is inherently paradoxical in trueness, meaning it's both this AND that and not necessarily just this OR that. "We are re-membering a new version of embodiment in every now moment."

Each energy center (CHA-KA-RA) is an energetic frequency filter for certain types of programs, thoughtforms, and emotions. The energy centers are interfaces for connecting us with multidimensional streams of information. The original human blueprint is designed to support a base 12 system. That means our true template supports at least 12 primary energy centers, each interfacing with a holographic dimensional bandwidth in this Universal System. Each of us are unique and many templates and systems are possible but we work with the base 12 system primarily as it's available to every human to align to as a baseline. It is a VERY powerful minimum template.

Primary chakras 1-7 are considered particle chakras. These are the ones most talked about in mainstream spirituality. Primary chakras 8-12 are considered anti-particle chakras or morphogenetic chakras. Chakras 8 & 9 are also found in the human body, located at the thymus and through the base of the skull and into the brain. Chakra 10 is about 6" above the crown, 11 about 18" above the crown, and 12 located about 6" below the feet.

These 12 chakras are part of our personal system and interface in with Universal systems as well. We share chakra 13 with the Earth located in the Earth core and connects in with the Universal feminine (aqua-blue). Chakra 14 is about a meter above the head and connects in with Universal solar (pale gold). Chakra 15 is located in deep space and connects with the Universal masculine (magenta-violet).

These chakra systems are composed of counter-rotating fields that pull energy in and express it outwards. The smallest structure of these systems is a tetrahedral form (four sided pyramid). These structures are most commonly referred to as MER-KA-BAs. In a merkaba there is a masculine tetrahedron that spins clockwise and there is a feminine tetrahedron that spins counter-clockwise. This is the true nature of the merkaba structures. We are essentially made up of these structures with varying levels and multidimensional expressions. 

Getting familiar with these archetypal architectural systems is key to helping repair our original blueprint and we can use the holographic nature of these systems like a map to help us navigate our way back to our 12 strand DNA potential. 

Our Incarnate System

In our 3rd dimensional physical reality we experience a trinitized incarnate or personality matrix. This is the physical, emotional, mental and overlaps into the astral in dimensional bandwidth four. Much of the discordance we experience in the physical is going to have distortions to one or more of these systems. 

Everything in our incarnate reality starts from the spiritual fields and trickles down into a thought. Based on the value we have assigned to that thought (positive, negative, or neutral) dictates the vibrational effect. That vibrational effect can be translated into the idea of an e-motion (energy/electricity in motion). If we judge the e-motion as negative or limiting we will often choose to not allow that energy to properly move through us. We will hold onto it for later processing.

Holding onto these negative or limiting sets of programs is where we often experience the discordance in our reality. Our conscious awareness runs through the filters of these structures and our outer reality reflects this back to us with different costumes and stories, communicating with us: "Would you like to continue to experience these ideas?"

Much of this is unconscious or subconscious. We can easily reprogram our subconscious and unconscious with our conscious mind once we are made aware. These structures of limitation are held within our bio-energetic field (aura). In our sessions we are guided to help release these discordant programs so that the overall system has the freedom to run through less constricted code. This is healing!

Psychosomatic Decoding & Resolution

Each area of the body is like an antennae that processes certain frequency ranges of programs, thought forms, and emotions. We do not technically store memories in the body but the cells take on the data and energy expression of the memories. As we know, there are many layers of energetic information that is stored in our bio-energy fields. 

By recognizing the holographic nature of our bodies we can help decode what is occurring metaphysically or psychosomatically by observing what is taking place in the body. The physical body is the final stop in our incarnate embodiment and if we're having physical issues or dis-ease in the energetic flow we recognize that it's also affecting the other more subtle layers of our bio-energetic field.

Each organ, each body part, each section of the body process archetypal information. We are embodied polarity. Our right side of the body represents our masculine/electric manifest body. The left side our feminine/magnetic manifest body. Masculine energy is active, expressive, forward moving. Feminine is passive, attractive, backward moving. 

If we have a physical issue in an area of the right side of the body it could represent a story with a male, an issue moving forward, or troubles expressing into our outer reality. 

If we have a physical issues in the left side of the body it could represent a story with a female, issues of the past, or trouble receiving.

A good example of polarized issues in the torso is the liver. When we process anger through the liver. Anger is an active energy, electric and projected outwards. Opposite to the liver on the left side is the spleen. The energetic expression of the spleen is inward; feeling hopeless, disconnected, fearful, or frozen. It's taking the energy inwards and internalizing instead of projecting it outwards. Essentially they're similar energies but one is outward and one is inward.

When working with Quantum Architecture, archetypal expressions, and alchemical processes the physical body is the anchor point to the multidimensional expressions. This is why we focus a lot on the structures of the body because their holographic nature ripples through all layers multidimensionally. When we change the relationship to the way the programs are processed through the physical biological vehicle it reconciles the relationship to the greater operating system and frequency processing.

Remember, the core programs will wear many costumes and play out with many stories but what is true is the pure frequency/code itself.

Healing Our Structures

Just like the physical body is designed to heal itself if we remove what is holding it back from doing so, our quantum structures are similar. Without getting into the stories here we have experienced a deep level of distortion in our polarized fields in structural dimensions 1-11 or so. We experience varying levels of distortion through these different aspects of self and navigating healing can be difficult because these distortions go very high up. 

Because of this, we utilize the activation and regimen of building out a base 12 structure referred commonly as a diamond pillar, Maharic Seal/Shield, 12D shield, Platinum Light Body, among other names. This structure is available to all of humanity as part of our original base 12 template that interfaces in with our minimum 12 strand DNA potential.

In short, this diamond pillar is utilized by interfacing in with the architecture that reaches up to 12D. This is done by connecting in with the Maharata currents that are structural dimensions 10, 11, and 12. When we do this we are bypassing the distortions in the polarized fields and allowing these Krystic currents to help mend and heal our architecture.

We activate this structure utilizing a polarized geometric key; a star tetrahedron and/or 2D "Star of David"; a "hierophant". This key is a combination of Maharata currents of dark silver of dimension 11 and white-diamond of dimension 12. This is sometimes referred to as diamond-platinum light or we like to refer to it as Krystic Chrome. This frequency has a metallic, reflective, and iridescent/holographic nature to it. Not only does it hold the full spectrum of colors from white light (known as diamond light) it also contains the light spectrums from the Aurora fields; iridescents and opalescents.

Building Out The Maharic Seal/Shield

Because this base 12 structure is part of our original blueprint there are a number of ways to activate it and this can be confusing to beginners. There are shorter more concise ways to activate it and longer more involved versions. In short, the quick ways of activating often don't hold form for as long. Some ways of building it out do not necessarily interface in with the collective or Planetary shields. This overall structure has only recently been resurrected for our ability to build due to collective reclamation work on the quantum architecture. So over the years, there has been confusion on whether or not to connect in with certain structures.

As of 2024, the collective Krystic architecture is now held firm in our ability to interface in with. Use your own discernment of course but the majority consensus is that it's now considered appropriate to build the pillar that interfaces with the collective shields. For this reason, we now recommend utilizing the process most commonly referred to as the Maharic Seal/Shield that has been made most available through the >~2012 MCEO Freedom Teachings (which come from translations of holographic storage of our human tribal CDT plates in which hold the records for human spiritual-scientific teachings).

Overtime, we have learned much about the technical side of energy work and quantum architecture. This knowledge and experience has evolved our protocols and recommended practices. The Maharic Seal/Diamond Pillar is a practice we recommend everyone to learn more about and utilize as it is a primary foundation for what could be considered "protection" but also holistic healing. 

This structure acts as a buffer zone for our field's interaction with different expressions of data exchange. We are constantly uploading and downloading data and that data affects the manifest body. This structure essentially helps filter out distortions and allows for our Avatar/Krystic self to facilitate holistic healing. Even some of our Oversouls need healing. Just because they are considered "God Like" to many humans does not mean they are exempt from distortion. 

The Maharic shielding is simply a very helpful tool. You AWARENESS is always recommended as your primary tool for discernment and "protection" (we recommend being mindful of how this term is defined; does is empower or disempower?). Utilizing the Maharic shielding does NOT automatically imply you are completely immune to experiencing malice or distortion. As they say, "The call is coming from inside the house." It's the frequency/information in our structures and field that dictate what is resonant for our experiences. This is why true healing is so important.

We recommend getting familiar with the quick and extended ways of building out the Maharic shielding and utilizing it prior to giving or receiving energy work. It's also very helpful for situations in public or when "consuming" (whether that be through media, food/drink, etc).

How To Prepare For a Session

TY-EL is like a laser beam towards intentions. We work directly with the "highest" available expression of non-polarized Self to have them guide the process that would be most beneficial for greatest alignment for the recipient.

It's always helpful to bring intentions into a session. However, the intent of a session alone is action toward intention and that doesn't always have to be a fully conscious act. We really enjoy working on specific intentions such as mind-body-spirit healing or activations because there can be so much to be learned and layers of intention can be applied but coming in with the highest level of alignment is always highly effective a well.

Prior To Session

Find a time and location where you will be undisturbed. Ensure your device has Zoom installed and you are familiar with making sure you know how to activate your device camera and/or microphone. 

Feel free to bring a list of questions or concerns or have a notepad available for jotting down ideas or notes. Your session is your time, use it how you feel is most beneficial towards your intentions. Some people really appreciate more information and others just want to get to work. Don't be shy to share how you prefer to receive.

You are encouraged to honor your space and field however you feel is best fit. You can grid your space, cleanse with herbs, pray, meditate, etc. There are no rules and taking action through ritual is a powerful tool for interfacing with beliefs and bringing those intentions into manifestation. YOU are the power, though.

TY-EL will join the meeting at the intended start time or will notify you prior if there are expected delays. 

Prior to joining the meeting TY-EL will set up a container and architecture for us to do the work within. This is a rather extensive process that affirms boundaries and parameters for what is consented or not consented to. 

Here's some tips to prepare:

  • Make sure you have Zoom installed on your device and are familiar. 
  • Find a quiet space where you will be undisturbed for the session or event time. If things come up or distractions occur please don't stress! It won't mess up the transmission. 
  • Feel free to set the space with your own light codes, clearings, incense, sage/palo santo, etc. Feel free to set your own intentions and connect with your divine aspects
  • Have some water nearby as it will greatly support this work
  • Don't be shy to get involved on your side. Let your body move, express your Light Linguistics; flow! 
  • Following the event/transmission we recommend to follow your feels. You may want to stay in a meditative state and continue the journey or you may want to get out in nature to ground. Honor your body and your spirit. Just be sure to drink lots of water over the coming days.
  • TY-EL sets up grids and the container prior to starting but we will go through a protocol at the beginning of the event to help further establish parameters and personal grids. We will build out the diamond pillar and play The Sovereignty Complex Architecture as we assist in the quantum field. It's still recommended to watch the following transmissions prior to the event if you are able to:

The Session

The session will begin with a brief introduction and often a description of how the session type is likely to proceed. We may ask you some questions to better grasp what your intentions are. Feel free to ask any questions or share anything you feel inspired to express.

We will go through a short protocol that includes calling in appropriate support, affirming parameters, assisting in gridding the physical for the recipient, and building out base 12+ structures such as the shielding. You are welcome to apply your own protocols and/or shielding that you feel is appropriate as well.

Each individual is unique and are at different points on their embodiment journey so we allow for the session to be organic and dynamic. We may use pre-programmed "codes" that are like scripts for actions. This assists in being able to multitask and apply more action in a shorter period that will then run on its own. 

Depending on the intention and individual we may begin working in a bit more of a "linear" fashion or more of a "multidimensional" fashion. An example of a linear process would be identifying areas of the field that are highlighted that we then work through to assist. A more multidimension fashion would be straight Light Linguistics and coding that is able to affect many layers and levels simultaneously from the quantum field. Neither process is better than the other. We always trust that the appropriate process will reveal itself for each individual. Oftentimes, it is a combination of linear and multidimensional.

The sessions are recorded for the convenience, safety, and reference of all parties. This is part of the protocol to help ensure the safety and integrity of the facilitator and recipient. You are welcome to request the recording for your reference. We do not necessarily submit the recordings unless its requested or appropriate for what comes up in the session. However, we do recommend requesting the recording because it can be helpful to play back for overlooked details, recommendations, and even because it can be effective to play the session again as it may work through more layers or even completely unique experiences. 

The session will often close with a short affirmation of intention and appreciation. Feel free to affirm your own closing statements or protocols. We then open up for questions or sharing. 

Following The Session

We recommend to give yourself some time after the session to process. You can remain in a meditative state or go out into nature and ground. Again, there are no rules - you do you! It's highly recommended to drink lots of good water following the session for a number of days (honestly, we always recommend it). Structuring and clearing/charging the water can be extremely beneficial as it's essentially liquid crystal. Shungite helps clear liquids and also helps in the bio-availability of water and hydration.

We may have made statements of follow up via email. This can be to share resources or techniques and often to share details about topics that came up in the session. If this was mentioned and you don't receive an email within 3 days please don't hesitate to follow up - we try to do our best but we're not perfect by any means! 

Integration & Processing

A LOT can come through in a session. Utilizing Light Codes and working with Quantum Architecture is considered some of the most powerful energy work available on the planet. Each of us process and integrate differently. When we work towards the core programs and structures in the field it can create dramatic effects or even subtle effects that build over time. We trust that how it comes up for you is appropriate. 

Shifting out discordant frequencies and code can sometimes initiate release of the energies and chemical components associated with them. This can happen through emotions, physical processing and/or detoxing, or mental processing. Ty processes very physically, so we often experience intense physical processing through feeling. Intensity does not necessarily insinuate negativity. Some may experience intensity of emotions coming up to the surface to be released. We recommend to lean into whatever comes up as it's coming up to be let go of. The less we resist, the less it persists. 

Trust yourself and your process. If something feels off trust that and don't be shy to ask for assistance. For some people, there can be a great period of euphoria following a session as a huge amount of weight has been lifted. Then over a period of days or weeks the chemical components held deep in the cellular makeup may rise up to release. This is considered purging, processing, or detoxing. None of this is EXPECTED, we're just sharing possibilities to help be prepared for anything. 

Alternatively, when we release programs and entanglements associated with contracts & agreements that are no longer serving we may have situations or events that play out in our reality that are a physical manifestation of releasing what no longer serves. This can bring up rapid changes such as job changes, relationships with individuals changing, or entanglements multidimensionally that we may not have been aware of with groups and collectives. Sometimes it can take a bit of time for the contract to fully release in the physical... as physical reality has a slower perceived "time" process and the physical manifestation may need to play out. 

Sometimes for big changes seeing what has been hidden is appropriate. This can be referred to as "shadow work". Essentially bringing light/awareness to the previously hidden for integration. We do not preach only "love & light"; we recommend the full spectrum. It's not about rejecting the hidden aspects of self, it's about integrating it back in; healed and Whole. We are each very different and we may need different recipes at different times to authentically get us where we need to be. Remember, it's a journey. It's not necessarily about beating the game but more about playing the game and collecting XP (Experience Points) to build your character.

Just remember that you are taking steps toward greater alignment; whatever that looks like for you. We do not have any investment in what is considered right or wrong for you; only you know what's most appropriate. This is why we work directly with the Highest Self instead of deciding what we think is best through the ego structure. 

Sharing Testimonials or Feedback

Sharing your experiences and perspectives isn't just helpful for us to offer better assistance but it can help our human family decide if this type of work is appropriate for them. It's also recommended because it can help you process what took place in the session and help anchor those ideas deeper into the conscious mind and may even trigger ideas that hadn't been considered initially. 

Video reviews are absolute gold! People love to see a human behind their words but we recognize this isn't everyone's cup of tea. However, if you're very satisfied with your session or service please do share. This is a massive energetic exchange and helps fuel deeper levels of recognition and service.

✨🙏You can submit your review or feedback by clicking here.🙏✨

Tips for Integration

These are fundamental ideas that can help with the overall integration process. These are staples for overall health but assist greatly when integrating big energetic changes. 

  • +Oxygen - Fresh air and/or breath work helps the whole process, integrating or not.
  • +Hydration - Structured water or at least good water. Drink lots! The cells will be going through a lot as they align to higher frequency and may need to vibrate out lower distortions
  • +Movement - Physical exercise or movement helps move these things through the physical system. Yoga, walks, stretching, QiGong, weight lifting (really beneficial to help PUSH out stagnation from the fascia), etc. 
  • -Reduce Stress - Take it easy! Stress is super counterproductive
  • -Reduce/Release Toxins - The process of detoxing may happen naturally but detoxing consciously is super helpful. At least intend to reduce toxins as it takes away energetic efficiency from the body
  • +Nutrients - Give your body the building blocks it needs to recover and rebuild. Fulvic minerals, sea moss, ormus, honey, etc etc will give the body the building blocks to help rebuild the physical aspects. We have different bodies and different templates so trust your body's intuition. Nutrients, proteins, electrolytes.
  • -Reduce Distractions - Magic is unlocked when we can focus our awareness into a singular idea. Meditation can be massively beneficial. Reduce distractions and watch how much more energy is available for processing and healing.
  • Magnesium / Salt Baths / Other Tools - I highly recommend magnesium salt flakes as opposed to epsom salt because it's more effective... but regardless, the salt can be super helpful in shifting energies. I like to put some shungite in the tub and some drops of essential oils that feel right. Frequency music. Grounding. Tools like satin spar/selenite to comb the field. Sage/Palo santo can help as well. 
  • Be kind to yourself!
Embodiment Process

Depending on what comes through in session the effects and changes may be immediate or they may manifest over time. In some situations, there may be a number of layers and programs to work through to get to the core so that it doesn't overwhelm the system. In rare cases, we may recommend a follow up session... however, for the broad majority of cases we recommend to follow one's feels. Take it day by day and trust yourself. 

Quantum Healings do not often have as of an intense processing as Upgrade & Activations. There is often an impact that is immediate and then over time more adjustments that take place. Follow ups for Quantum Healings can be made as long as you feel its appropriate.

A Frequency Upgrade session is designed to seriously propel you forward. We recommend giving some time after a Frequency Upgrade to decide on the next one; at least a couple of weeks. The integration process is different for everyone but when it comes to Activations & Upgrades there's often a greater level of multidimension processes that take place and we don't want anyone to over do it. As always, we always set firm intentions that nothing that takes place in a session will ever be something one cannot handle. 

These processes of activations are a bit like cogwheels within cogwheels in a machine. Sometimes there are alchemical processes that interface in with collective systems (such as planetary or cosmic cycles) that are necessary for full activation to come online. Some cycles are shorter; ie 3 days, 3 weeks, etc. Some cycles are longer; ie a solar cycle/year or even embodiment cycle; age 33, age 44, etc. It really depends on the individual and the activation or upgrade taking place.

Overall, the work we do is acceleration assistance. It's an experience you've designed for yourself to help you manifest an intended outcome using tools and belief systems that resonate with who you are in the now moment. That may change over time and we fully encourage you to trust yourself.

Dance to Your Own Tune

We are frequency; vibration. We are MUSIC. We are each instruments in a cosmic song; the Uni-verse; the one-song. Healing, activation, and upgrades can only be obtained through YOU. Nobody can do it for you. You are calibrating your instrument and adding depth to your symphony of frequency. All of this is like dancing. You can only truly dance for yourself, nobody can do it for you. However, we can vibe to music that we resonate with. Working with a facilitator is like finding new music you really feel you can dance to. Sometimes our taste of music changes with our mood or times in our life. Trust yourself. Do you.

We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!