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TY-EL | Quantum Architect

Gemini Archetypes Quantum Healing

Gemini Archetypes Quantum Healing

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Authentic cosmic body alignment of Gemini: ~June 20th - ~July 20th. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out. This transmission can be used at any time to work towards healings on the themes.

As our consciousness naturally navigates through the lens of our embodiment, the outer realities reflect this back to us. The cosmos are an outward reflection of our inner journey of re-membrance. The Zodiac represents certain architectural, archetypal, and alchemical processes. We can take advantage of the awareness of these themes to help guide us on our journey of re-membering our more expanded Self.

From about June 20th - July 20th our Sun is aligned to the constellation of Gemini. Gemini is considered the third sign in the procession of our cosmic clock related to our solar cycles. Gemini is associated with the third  sphere of our base twelve organic creational template (KA-THA-RA grid), the color spectrum of yellow, the conscious mind, the mental body, the third primary energy center at the solar plexus, the element of Air, the octahedron, alchemical theme of fixation & synthesis, areas of the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, blood circulation, and more. 

With the awareness of what we are already naturally navigating we can take advantage of these themes as our Sol (our sun) is in this alignment. We can take action or we can simply be aware these themes may organically present themselves to us. We can choose to consciously work with the emotional body, areas of the arms & hands, the solar plexus energy center, the air element, the octahedron, the color yellow, and other themes to accelerate our alignment. 

Each person receives uniquely and the work takes place in the zero point field of no time. This allows for us to tap into the healing at any time and allows us the possibility to have a unique experience each time... allowing us to go deeper and deeper into the themes.

We've shared some concise information for Taurus below for your reference:

GEMINI – Approximately June 20 - July 20 (check an app like Stellarium to see where the Sun is authentically aligned)

  • Alchemical Theme: Fixation, Synthesis
  • Elemental Relationship: Air
  • Elemental Form: Octahedron, 8 faces, 6 points, 12 edges, & 1440 degree
  • Color Spectrum: Yellow
  • Alchemical Metal: Quicksilver
  • Relates to: Dimensional Phonon Resonance; Isotopic Cooling
  • Primary Planetary Correlation: Mercury
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity, Ego Mind, Chakra 3 Manipura, RA center
  • Areas of the Body: Shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, oxygenation of blood.
  • Astrological Correspondence: Gemini – Mercury – Air
  • Star Gate 3 
  • Structural Dimension 3
  • Tribe 3 of the 12 tribes
    1. Unworthiness
    2. Shame / Guilt
    3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt
    4. Betrayal / Abandonment
    5. Anger / Rage
    6. Fear
    7. Entrapment / Enslavement
  • Major Correspondence: Law of Polarity: The natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pair of Opposites is intertwined with the Law of Gender but is not to be confused as the same thing. Essentially, it means that things that may appear as opposites are actually varying degrees of positive and negative poles or one of the two sides of the same thing. There are two sides of polarity that exists within everything. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees.

    Do you have questions about this Zodiac or how these alchemical themes apply to our re-membrance (ascension/incension) process? Leave us a comment and we'll discuss! 

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