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You ARE Magic!

All the products on the shop are HAND CODED by TY-EL. They each are made to order, cleared, and encoded specifically for purchase. Crystals hold energy and TY-EL pumps these energetic devices up with love-based light codes to support each customer with the frequency support to help upgrade their reality.

Reach out to TY-EL directly for special orders. We're a small business and we're here to support our human family! We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you!

  • Alchemical & Archetypal Themes of Sagittarius

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes of Sagittarius

    Authentic cosmic body alignment of SAGITTARIUS: ~December 18 to January 18th. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of this powerful sign of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out....

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes of Sagittarius

    Authentic cosmic body alignment of SAGITTARIUS: ~December 18 to January 18th. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of this powerful sign of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out....

  • Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Ophiuchus

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Ophiuchus

      @tyelfeels ✨⛎ The trine unifier that is Ophiuchus: ~November 30-December 17. Ophiuchus is a controversial archetype, as its been omitted from mainstream astrology. From a structural perspective, our sun...

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Ophiuchus

      @tyelfeels ✨⛎ The trine unifier that is Ophiuchus: ~November 30-December 17. Ophiuchus is a controversial archetype, as its been omitted from mainstream astrology. From a structural perspective, our sun...

  • Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Scorpio

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Scorpio

    @tyelfeels ✨♏️🦂 Stage 8 of our solar alchemical cycle is from about November 23-29. This 8th architecture is extremely impactful on our organic ascension process as many distortions have occured...

    Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Scorpio

    @tyelfeels ✨♏️🦂 Stage 8 of our solar alchemical cycle is from about November 23-29. This 8th architecture is extremely impactful on our organic ascension process as many distortions have occured...

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1/14 Quantum Healing: SAGITTARIUS Alchemical Themes (Donation Based)

Quantum healing transmission architected with the intention to massively shift stagnant energy from the energy field, release negative & limiting programs or structures, bring through next level activations, and support in greater levels of embodiment.

January 14th, 2025 at 8:00pm CST 

 DONATE WHAT YOU CAN: Quantum Healing Event via ZOOM facilitated by TY-EL✨ 👇 More Info Below...👇

Happy calendar new year! On January 14th, 2025 our Sun will be aligned to the constellation of Sagittarius (~December 18th to ~January 18th). Ophiuchus and Sagittarius are very intimately connected and this can bring a ton of transformation into our embodiment. It's the process of the burning through the phoenix as we evolve upwards into the next triad of architecture.

We'll be continuing to take advantage of the natural alchemical themes available to us as our "outer" cosmic reality reflects our inner journey. The cosmic bodies are an outward map to our inner journey towards alignment.

We recommend an app like Stellarium to see the authentic placements of the cosmic bodies at any given date and time.


Sagittarius is the 10th stage in our solar alchemical cycle. Sagittarius is associated with our 10th sphere of our base 12 human blueprint, the 10th primary energy center about 6-8" above the head (morphogenetic chakra), the element of fire, the building blocks of the tetrahedron, the color spectrum diamond-sapphire (dark blue), human tribe 10, stargate(s) 10, the planet Jupiter, alchemical metal of gold & brass, the alchemical theme of Incineration & Resurrection, the spiritual Law of Verification, and areas of the body related to the hips, thighs, femur, ileum, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, pelvic ischium.

Sagittarius is a potent stage where a lot of shadow work and incineration of parasitic entanglements take place. This is the Resurrection of the Phoenix, where we rise from the ashes into a more expanded embodiment. The alchemy of Sagittarius ties to the first level of our Avatar architecture of the Maharata currents.


Although we don't have a specific agenda for this transmission, we know that these themes are already coming up in the collective field so preparing for the possibility these themes may come up can be supportive.

This is a donation based event. Everything in our Universe runs on an energy exchange and we get back what we put out. We understand everyone has varying resources available to them and we don't want financial situations to be a barrier for receiving support. Donate what you feel is fair and only what you can.

If you'd like to "pay it forward" and donate to help someone else we fully support that! We fully trust all will be supported.

Sign up first by finishing the form. Then donate to Venmo or PayPal. There are links available on the bio links (ty-el.com). We ask that you please donate prior to the event or reach out if you'd like to propose an alternative energetic exchange.

Once Signed Up, Please donate your energetic exchange here: Donate via PayPal


After Signing Up You can also donate via Venmo: https://venmo.com/tyelheals

Remember, whenever we are in a group setting it creates a beautiful alchemy between all parties who attend, including our non-physical family of aspects, guides, guardians, and more. 

Each event will be unique and will be relevant to the energies at the time of the event. We respectfully set strong boundaries for what energies, aspects, entities, and groups that are allowed in the container. This is a Unity event and we are only working with at least base 12 coding & architecture. All in alignment to the sacred Law of Love; of One.


TY-EL will ONLY be working with the Highest Self of each individual. The Highest (non-polarized) Self will be dictating the impact on the individual for the Highest Good of attendees and the Highest Good of All. TY-EL reserves the right to reject or dismiss any attendee that is found to trespass parameters of the container and parameters established.


SPOTS ARE LIMITED! Questions? Reach out directly to Ty via social media or email him at tyelheals@gmail.com Stay after the transmissions to share your experiences and introduce yourself.