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You ARE Magic!

All the products on the shop are HAND CODED by TY-EL. They each are made to order, cleared, and encoded specifically for purchase. Crystals hold energy and TY-EL pumps these energetic devices up with love-based light codes to support each customer with the frequency support to help upgrade their reality.

Reach out to TY-EL directly for special orders. We're a small business and we're here to support our human family! We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you!

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Quantum healing transmission architected with the intention to massively shift stagnant energy from the energy field, release negative & limiting programs or structures, bring through next level activations, and support in greater levels of embodiment.


The human collective has been processing a lot of difficult programs held in the subconscious and unconscious fields. We've all been navigating these programs in our own ways. Some of this work has been done consciously but a great deal has been done without full awareness and this can be difficult on the human identity structure. It's been triggering the recognition and magnification of those things we may still be holding onto that are no longer serving us - many that we may have thought we've already worked through.

We've actually been working through these themes for months. These ideas are first triggered in the more subtle fields in the spiritual realms and then begin to trickle through the layers of manifestation until they finally make their way into the physical. The spiritual communities are much more sensitive to these energies and we tend to "carry the weight" of the greater unconscious collective. Many of the programs we're processing are not even necessarily ours... but they are on certain levels. We heal it within ourselves, that is rippled throughout the entire collective consciousness. We don't heal the world, we heal ourselves and the world we experience reflects it back to us.

We've been grinding hard on solar alchemical themes as our solar system surfs the cosmos. The solar alchemical cycle for our sun in Virgo is around 45 days, much longer than others. Having already facilitated a group event to assist with Virgo themes we can use this period to recharge and resurrect our energy, passion, and empowerment... and that's exactly what we're planning to do!


A lot is set to manifest into the physical over the coming months. We're hosting a donation based group quantum healing to help energetically prepare us for anything that may be brought to the surface so we can face it with ferocious bravery. We're intending to help bring through healing for the group and greater collective that can help clean our our collective sewage system. We'll tune up the system, assisting in re-alignment and re-vitalization. 

We want everyone to be able to join us who would like to. These events are a beautiful co-creation and it's more than just the human that is participating... it's all that we are connected to; groups, councils, guides... but more importantly, it's all that we ARE that contributes. We each are so unique and carry connections to data streams that can help serve each other in the right setting.

Being that we're still in the alchemical window for Virgo we'll be asking the greater spiritual realms for assistance, taking advantage of the Law of Response - a Virgo archetypal theme. We'll also be leaning into the alchemical concept of Distillation and Purity; releasing what is not longer serving us and tapping into deeper concentration of the pure essence of who and what we are. Massive shifts in resistance, powerful activations, and the energy to step forward with ferocious love. 


Each event will be unique and will be relevant to the energies at the time of the event. We respectfully set strong boundaries for what energies, aspects, entities, and groups that are allowed in the container. This is a Unity event and we are only working with at least base 12 coding & architecture. All in alignment to the sacred Law of Love; of One.

TY-EL will ONLY be working with the Highest Self of each individual. The Highest (non-polarized) Self will be dictating the impact on the individual for the Highest Good of attendees and the Highest Good of All. TY-EL reserves the right to reject or dismiss any attendee that is found to trespass parameters of the container and parameters established.



BONUS: Free Event Inspired Wallpapers

Artwork included in composition by Silvio Vieira. Right click on desktop or long press on mobile and save image to device.