Quantum Structure

The term "quantum architecture" is admittingly a bit flashy but what does it actually mean? I playfully refer to myself as a Quantum Architect and in short it essentially means that I specialize in working with energetic structure - with the geometric code in which reality manifests. In truth, we're all quantum architects but we're going to share some details related to the way in which I do my work.

Morphogenetic Fields

A morphogenetic field refers to the structural blueprints in which reality manifests. These fields dictate how reality will present itself in a conscious experience. Each reality has its own unique morphogenetic matrix. It is the environment in which consciousness experiences itself. This occurs holographically at micro through macro levels. We have personal, planetary, galactic, universal, and multi-universal morphogenetic fields.

This particular Universal Structure is a 15 dimensional time matrix. This matrix is built from a base 12 blueprint referred to as a KA-THA-RA grid. This structure is the base template for all experiences of consciousness take place in this Universal system. Working with this base 12 system is like a map to helping us align to our original divine blueprint. 

Our Universal Structure has experienced a distorted overlay to the original "organic" system. This is often what people are referring to when they talk about "escaping the matrix". This original organic architecture has been restored so that we can choose to reconcile the distortions and entanglements to this system so we can align to our true divine blueprint.

This 15 dimensional time matrix manifests from three non-polarized, timeless fields. This has many names but is most well known to be the Divine Trinity. These are the primal light fields; The Universal Masculine (pale magenta-violet), The Universal Feminine (aqua-blue), and the Universal Child (Solar Son/Daughter - Pale/white-gold). This trinitized set of fields are also referred to as the tri-wave, threefold founder flames, and many others. 

As a whole, the journey of Ascension/Inscension is about resurrecting our original divine blueprint by releasing what we are not so we can align to what we truly are. As a Quantum Architect I work deeply with these morphogetic field templates. This original organic architecture is referred to as KRYST/KRYSTHL architecture which gets its name from the original seven tones of creation: KA RA YA SA TA HA LA. When talking about Christ Consciousness, we're talking about aligning to this non-polarized expression of Self found when merge our lower aspects into our base 12 architecture. 

Light Codes

Light is information, it is data. Light Codes are streams of living geo-mathematical information in the Quantum Field. Everything is made up of these Light Codes. The Matrix movies give a decent example of this when Neo begins to see the code behind "The Matrix". There are countless expressions of these Light Codes. They can appear as glyphs and characters, mandalas, and even impossible to describe geometries that are far outside of our ability to perceive them in physical reality. 

If reality was like a video game Light Codes are the programs and parameters that dictate how the game is presented and experienced. We often hold distorted or stagnant light in our energy fields. When we do energy healing (or exchange energy/information between each other) we are taking on these Light Codes into our bio-energetic systems.

When we consider the idea of magic in pop culture we may think of wizards speaking spells, sparkles of light when an object is transformed, or magical written languages of geometry and glyphs they are emulating the idea of Light Codes. Light Codes help in the manifestation of embodiment and perceived outward experiences in our reality. 

Light Codes assist in any intention. The light holds the information needed to help rebuild the structures in the quantum field to help realize that manifest idea. Light Codes are primarily used in the process of healing, activations, and upgrades. In Quantum Architecture work we can release ourselves from data streams that are no longer serving and plug ourselves back into streams of information aligned with the original divine blueprint. 

Sacred Structure


Light Linguistics


Energy Work