SHOWCASE MEGA EVENT: 8 Powerful Facilitators in One Day!
Join us for a transformative experience at our SHOWCASE MEGA EVENT, where we delve into a variety of healing modalities designed to elevate your spiritual journey.
Practical Energy Healing Level 1
August 27, 2023 - 5:30pm PST / 7:30pm CST / 8:30pm EST
Spaces are limited! CLICK HERE TO RESERVE A SPOT
Join TY-EL as he shares philosophies and practical techniques he has personally used to awaken his healing abilities in this interactive Zoom class. Energy healing isn't complicated and this class is designed to help you remember your own healing powers so that you can accelerate your own healing and begin sharing your abilities with others.
Ty will outline foundational concepts that will help ANYONE become a powerful energy healer. This class is designed to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools to immediately start using subtle energies to heal their body from resistance and pain and shift their reality.
If you struggle with physical issues or chronic pain this class is for you!
Included in this class:
- Group DNA activation, healing, and initiation to begin downloading tools and wisdom through your own gnosis so you can begin teaching yourself how to heal in the best ways for you
- TY-EL will share foundational information so that you know the key ingredients to energy healing to begin building your own healing recipes
- Receive dozens of core practice examples such as gridding & owning your field, opening your heart, energy clearing techniques, emotional healing techniques, feeling based healing techniques, imagination based healing techniques, and more
- Practical tools to help interface with energy so you can begin measuring results
- Simple yet powerful meditation techniques
- Simple yet powerful breathing techniques
- Simple yet powerful movement based healing techniques
- Learn metaphysical and emotional sources for our pain and dis-eases
- Learn techniques to heal your body and mind from chronic pain
- As above, so below; as within, so throughout. Learn how we are holographic beings and how you can use this awareness to hack your reality and accelerate your healing
- Grounding/earthing exercises
- Learn and innerstand powerful quantum-healing exercises to reprogram and heal from trauma
- Learn how to use the hands and eyes to bring in profound healing results
- Learn techniques to use the mind to reprogram your belief systems and shift your reality towards what you prefer
- Learn how to use the cosmos as an ally for your healing
- Receive dozens of simple, practical healing tips so you can cultivate the gnosis to begin creating your own healing tools and modalities
- Healing mudras
- What is Light Linguistics and how and why does it work?
- Interactive Q&A
- And much more!
The class will start off with a powerful activation and healing facilitated by TY-EL. This is designed to activate your OWN remembrance and start the organic process of deeper higher self embodiment. You already know all this stuff, this class it about helping you to remember.
TY-EL will then take the class through multimedia enhanced presentations. This will include educational information as well as practical exercises and tools.
The class will conclude with an interactive Q&A to help ensure the information was innerstood and to help attendees with any further clarification.
Attendees will be provided a PDF that outlines the content and exercises from the class.
Healing is alchemical; just like cooking! Once we have the basic ingredients and an outline on how to put it together we can begin to customize the recipe to our liking. Just like with food, no one type of food is better than another. We have different tastes and preferences for flavor. This class is designed to help equip you with some ingredients so you can spice up your healing meals that serve your highest good!
This is the first of what will be a series of classes. TY-EL will dive deeper into specific topics over time. All attendees will receive the recording of the class and live attendance is not necessary in order to receive the group healing/activation. The recording will also be available for an energy exchange for those who would like to receive the recording later.
Spaces are limited! CLICK HERE TO RESERVE A SPOT
Questions? Reach out directly to Ty via social media, email him at tyelheals@gmail.com or click here.