The Sovereignty Complex Architecture

The Sovereignty Complex Architecture

Having facilitated thousands of private sessions, events, and personal transmissions I've learned so much. I do what I can to continue to offer better service and provide a safe and productive environment that supports holistic embodiment. The more I've learned (re-membered), the more I've decided to take action to support that intention. So I have continued developing more comprehensive "protocols".

When I started channeling aspects of myself and utilizing my Light Linguistics it was like a whole new Universe opened up to me. Just as when a child enters this world, we are new and inexperienced... at least until we remember we are eternally experienced. We experience so much through our embodiment journeys. It truly is a journey... full of levels, quests, challenges, and triumphs.

When we're new to this world of magic we may dabble in our inspirations. The enticing nature of communicating directly with non-physical entities can get us very excited but it comes with a lot of lessons. I am never one to shoot down anyone else's choices or preferences. I truly believe we have the right to explore our embodiment as we see fit - as long as that does not infringe on the rights of our collective family.

Free Will, Consent, and Agreement is a key aspect of this Universal system. Unfortunately (but fortunately in the sense of our growth through it), our system has experienced jarring discord beyond our imagination. This has happened both through Free Will but also in the forgetfulness of it. We have forgotten the parameters of this game... that we have the divinely inherited right to reject experiences we do not consent to.

This is a powerful lesson. However, an aspect of that lesson is coming face to face with the reality that we experience things we do not prefer and release our consent from. Why or how does this happen??

We have consented to experiencing this collective "game". When we decide (and "decide" in this context is from an "expanded perspective") to come into this embodiment we consent to sets of parameters and "rules". These are collectively agreed upon belief systems; default parameters the game's programming runs through. For example, we essentially agree we adopt the idea of gravity.. or that we take on the codex of our ancestors through our genes. We agree to be entangled with collective fields such of that of our Earth and that of Mankind. 

These are default parameters. And as Morpheus in The Matrix stated; "rules that can be bent or even broken." We can release ourselves from the implied consent by KNOWING and EMBODYING our preference. We must first know this is a possibility. Then we must use the expanded rules/parameters to take action to release ourselves from the perceived limitation of the container of experience.

Commanding our space and our field is paramount. Our Conscious Mind is like the computer monitor, keyboard, and mouse on a PC. We use the mouse & keyboard to input information and install or uninstall software we do or do not prefer. We get to make a choice. If we are not making that choice consciously we will be running the PC from the default parameters on the computer... those of which are held in the hard drive (Unconscious Mind) and loaded into the R.A.M. (Subconscious Mind). 

This is why our awareness is our strongest tool for action and "protection". Depending on how you define the term protection it can either empower or disempower; we must be mindful of our personal definitions as they are ran through the code and we experience them through our belief systems in which are built from the values we assign. We must first become aware of an idea to take conscious action to change it.

This Universal system has counted on us to be ignorant to how it all runs and functions. We unknowingly give our consent away. Sometimes we knowingly do and that's totally ok if we choose. That is the nature of Free Will. However, due to the forgetfulness that has occurred in this Universal system, our ignorance to consent has been taken full advantage of. We have forgotten. We have allowed ourselves to be very ill.

We truly begin to level up when we release consent and entanglement to individuals, systems, and structures that no longer serve us. I truly believe it all serves us in the long run but we have the right to choose. We forget that. This is why Commanding Space has been such an important aspect of my evolving protocols. If you have experienced a healing or event you may have seen this evolve over time. There are more layers and angles addressed and when it comes to the safety and sovereignty of those I work with I truly intend to only serve greater alignment and expanded embodiment.

We are sharing with you The Sovereignty Complex Architecture. This was developed with direct inspiration from my brother Ryan at Solar Union Ascension after working in containers with him for years. I have met no other embodied being that has as much passion for the restoration of our True Sovereignty. 

Below you can find the video with text and additional layers of Light Linguistics to assist. It's recommended to either repeat the words aloud or imagine as if you're reading it in your mind. The more you are part of the process, the more impact the work has. REALLY MEAN IT. YOU are the power, not this video. It's recommended to use something like this prior to receiving energy work or facilitating it. You can use this as a foundation to create your own, which is what I really recommend. I use this as an ADDITION to other protocols and architecture that I apply daily and before energy work.

If you would like a text document for this please contact us. We would be happy to oblige. 


@tyelfeels The Sovereignty Complex Architecture. Establish clear boundaries revoking consent from attempted projection into the field utilizing Natural Law. Deep appreciation to Ryan at Solar Union Ascension for this protocol and sovereignty guidance. #spiritual #spirituality #sovereignty #protection #energywork #energyhealing #spiritualtiktok #spiritualprotection #shielding #healing #healingtiktok ♬ original sound - TY-EL iSlingMagic


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