Solar Eclipse Empowerment Portal Event (ZOOM)

Solar Eclipse Empowerment Portal Event (ZOOM)

Solar Eclipse Empowerment

✨ 🌖🌗🌘🌚This Saturday, Oct. 14, 2023, the annular solar eclipse will cross North, Central, and South America. It will be visible in parts of the United States, Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America.✨ This alignment takes place right around 11:11am CST.

Event Time: October 14, 2023 - 11:11 PST / 1:11pm CST / 2:11pm EST


**The length of time of the event is not definitive but is likely to be around one hour**

Solar eclipses can be a powerful portal for personal transformation. It occurs during a new moon and can be a time where we face challenges head on and putting our goals into tangible practice.

Path of eclipse (USA)

Solar eclipses can be a time where intense transitions can occur. The idea of the moon (emotional aspect) eclipsing the sun (action and information) can create a disorientation but is then followed by intensity of power and transformation.

In other words you go through a cycle of great intensity that leads to amplified light and growth. Changes can come as a sudden surprise, or they may build up gradually, but the notion of new beginnings is what is mostly accentuated.

We have been guided to offer this event to help smooth this process and equip your being and energy field with powerful codes to help you face this new beginning with vigor and determination!

What May Come Through In The Transmission:

  • Release of energy, emotion, and programs that are no longer serving your desired path
  • Clearing of personal grids and templates so as to step further into your Highest Self
  • Surges in empowerment, determination, confidence, and motivation
  • Supportive Light Codes to help equip you with tools to empower your manifestations
  • Alignment and integration of more of your multidimensionality (Higher Self Integration)
  • Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing
  • Astral travel and soul journeying
  • ...and much more! ANYTHING is possible in a powerful portal like this!

The event will take place over Zoom. Please have it installed and familiarize yourself with the app prior to the event for the best experience. We recommend that you setup your space prior to the event; cleanse your space (palo santo, sage, etc), grid your space, establish your personal shields, have water near, and set intentions. It's recommended to have a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

TY-EL will build out some personal architecture to help support you through the transmission and to hold space as you continue your journey following the transmission. TY-EL will then facilitate a channeled transmission guided through his Highest Self and with the support of the collective group field to bring through supportive energy and code utilizing Light Linguistics. Remember, Solar Eclipse is about NEW BEGINNINGS and PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION.

This event is about empowering you to face it HEAD ON! Big shifts in both our personal and collective realities is likely to occur moving through the month of November.


Questions? Reach out directly to Ty via social media or email him at

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