✨ CHOOSE YOUR ENERGETIC EXCHANGE: Quantum Healing Event via ZOOM facilitated by TY-EL✨
Where: Zoom
When: Saturday, June 1st, 2023 at 1:30pm PST / 3:30pm CST / 4:30pm EST
A massive influx of Light Codes came through from our sun in the first week of May in the form of huge solar flares and coronal mass ejections which put on a magical display of aurora lights! These codes stream into our personal and collective structures and then we begin the process of integrating this expanded data.
Integration can take weeks or even longer to move their way through our systems and into our collective experience. To support all of the new information that is streaming through our sacred structures we will be facilitating a Group Quantum Healing. We will be addressing priority programs ready to be released from the group field and bringing in supportive code to help us along our journey of embodiment.
Our sun will be in the constellation of Taurus at this time. We'll be continuing to take advantage of the natural alchemical themes available to us as our "outer" cosmic reality reflects our inner journey. Taurus is connected to themes of the neck area, is connected with the idea of the emotional body, the sacral center, and the subconscious mind to unconscious mind bridge.
Although we don't have a specific agenda for this transmission, we know that these themes are already coming up in the collective field so preparing for the possibility these themes may come up can be supportive.
This is a donation based event. Everything in our Universe runs on an energy exchange and we get back what we put out. We understand everyone has varying resources available to them and we don't want financial situations to be a barrier for receiving support. Donate what you feel is fair and only what you can.
If you'd like to "pay it forward" and donate to help someone else we fully support that! We fully trust all will be supported.
Sign up first and then:
Please donate your energetic exchange here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=L6HNUZPWVKELQ&no_recurring=0&item_name=Donate+an+energy+exchange+that+you+feel+is+fair+and+within+your+budget+for+the+event.+Thank+you%2C+we+love+you%21¤cy_code=USD
You can also donate via Venmo: https://venmo.com/tyelheals
Remember, whenever we are in a group setting it creates a beautiful alchemy between all parties who attend, including our non-physical family of aspects, guides, guardians, and more.
Each event will be unique and will be relevant to the energies at the time of the event. We respectfully set strong boundaries for what energies, aspects, entities, and groups that are allowed in the container. This is a Unity event and we are only working with at least base 12 coding & architecture. All in alignment to the sacred Law of Love; of One.
TY-EL will ONLY be working with the Highest Self of each individual. The Highest Self will be dictating the impact on the individual for the Highest Good of attendees and the Highest Good of All. TY-EL reserves the right to reject or dismiss any attendee that is found to trespass parameters of the container and parameters established.
SPOTS ARE LIMITED! Questions? Reach out directly to Ty via social media or email him at tyelheals@gmail.com Stay after the transmissions to share your experiences and introduce yourself.