If you’ve tip toed your way through spiritual social media you’re likely to have heard of the strange gibberish like languages referred to as Light Language.
It’s said to be a Universal language, not restricted by the bounds of structure like English is. Some claim it's an alien language or say it's the language of the soul… some say it’s pure frequency translated through words… but what is it really? Isn’t it just a rebrand of religious tongues?
In this video we’ll share unique and technical perspectives on Light Language that we call Light Linguistics.
My name is Ty and I’m a type of energy worker known as a “Quantum Architect”. I know that just sounds like fancy words but it essentially means that I specialize in working with energetic structure; the geo-mathematical “code” that reality manifests through. I subscribe to a rather technical and practical perspective on the expression of the Languages of Light.
So what is “Light Language”?
Admittingly, the word “Language” has some baggage to it. When we think of Language we think of structured definitions and syntax that helps us communicate concise ideas through the symbolism of words. Light Language isn’t necessarily like that. Language in this context represents the idea of communication but it doesn’t have to be words and in this article we’ll be sharing more details of how it actually works.
Light is data; It is information. Light Language is an overarching term for the expression of multidimensional information… and it gets expressed through more than words and weird sounds. Light Language can also be expressed through the movement of the body and hand signs commonly known as mudras or hand seals. It can also be expressed through visual symbols and glyphs.
Light Language is a tool to help express what is known as Light Codes. These Light Codes are streams of living geo-mathematical data in the Quantum Field. Some people claim to be able to see the codes. These Light Codes are like the structures behind the matrix that dictate the expression of energy in our reality. It’s like when Neo begins to see the code in The Matrix movies. There are experiments taking place utilizing a substance to assist each participant see this code behind the matrix… does this prove we are in a “simulation”?
There is a diverse range of these Light Codes. They can sometimes appear like constantly moving glyphs and symbols we might be able to recognize like in The Matrix movies. Others may be more complex multidimensional geometry; impossible to describe undulating geometries that cannot possibly be articulated through the containers of physical reality.
When we are expressing Light Language we’re exchanging this subtle information and it’s claimed to be able to do some remarkable things such as mental, emotional, and even physical healing. It’s said that Light Language is not something you learn, it’s something you “activate”; something you “re-member”... but we can learn how it works and how to utilize it with purpose.
When vocalized, Light Language can sound like strange or even familiar verbal dialects. It can come through in song. It can even come through in what sounds like weird sound effects or tones. It’s not even necessarily the sounds themselves that are important, it’s the energy behind them that contains the literal magic.
“Magic is just science we don’t understand yet” Arthur C. Clarke
Re-member; science IS magic! So what is happening with Light Language?
Consider the Universal effect of music. It’s something that we FEEL. We don’t have to be told a song sounds happy, sad, or inspirational. We FEEL it. We don’t even need to decode lyrics to feel it. Music is coherent, it speaks through vibrational structure. It can even move us to move ourselves and dance. Light Language is a lot like that.
The sounds created in Light Language are like the delivery method for packets of multidimensional information. A simple word or sound can express far more data than we can imagine. It’s not like traditional sound healing, although that can be one layer to it. The sounds are like the anchor points to so much more.
This might be compared to the idea of the old school dial up modems that make all the crazy sounds when we would connect to the internet in the 90s. The dialing up connects us with the limitless potential of information found on the World Wide Web… where SO much more is available to us than one simple sentence structure.
Sometimes a word in Light Language isn’t just a word, it’s a multidimensional symbol. Consider the word “love”. The word love itself is simply a symbol for an idea.. Even an emotion or feeling. How we define the term and in which context will dictate how we interpret it. It’s essentially meaningless until we assign it meaning.
With Light Language there may be a sound that expresses the actual feeling of love. It may be interpreted uniquely by each individuals filters. It could be an expression of Self Love or Existential Love or Romantic Love… in which it’s not necessary to explain, it’s FELT and KNOWN.
That doesn’t mean that Light Language cannot express messages that can be translated. The magic of Light Language is that each recipient will process it differently. Someone speaking Light Language can hold in their intention a specific message, for example “I Love You”. The recipient may experience that intention uniquely. One person may literally hear in their mind “I love you”. Another person may simply feel the knowing of being loved. Another person may interpret it as “I am loved” rather than “I love you”. The possibilities are endless and this is what makes it so much more powerful than structured languages like English that are restricted by the bounds of interpretation and definitions.
Light Language is like a programming language. It’s like speaking in spells. If we think about magic in pop culture we might think of incantations in strange languages. They are emulating Light Language. The sparkly light from a magic wand is emulating Light Codes. The magical glyphs and sigils are also referencing Light Codes. The magical powers of Doctor Strange through hand symbols is Light Language.
These ideas are Universal, they’re a part of who we are. We all intrinsically KNOW Light Language; it's simply about re-membering.
Light Language can be expressed through hand gestures and the movement of the body. The hand signs are known as mudras or hand seals. This expression is utilizing the structure of the body to express Light Codes and subtle energetic information. It’s like playing the body and energy field like an instrument.
Mudras complete circuits of energetic flow through the body. It’s like holding chords on an instrument. Our body has many energetic systems that guide frequency through the body. Our nervous systems and circulatory systems are physical structures that do this but we also have more subtle ones such as meridians or chakras. Mudras primarily utilize a system referred to axiatonal lines.
These axiatonal lines move archetypal streams of multidimensional frequency. They stream throughout the entire body, crossing over at certain points in the physical structures. Each axiatonal line is associated with a specific stream of frequency that is connected with a different structural dimensional bandwidth, a color spectrum, a harmonic, and much more. These hand signs change the expression of this information through the hands and body and helps to facilitate the release of Light Codes.
Additionally, we may see Light Language in the form of geometry and symbols. Sometimes this is presented with alien like glyphs and flowing text. Sometimes it’s presented in mandalas with certain color combinations. When Light Language is presented as glyphs it’s like crystalizing a geometric form that is somewhat of a shortcut code to streams of living information in the Quantum Field.
This form of Light Language is what we see reflected in the ideas of sigils. The sigil creator will sometimes channel a geometric form and entangle it with intentions and actions. It’s like a grounded form that runs like a computer program. Sometimes these sigil codes are created through the dissecting of archetypal form that holds the signature of certain thought processes or ideas. For example a common way to create sigils is to create a shortcut word, stripping out certain letters and then building glyphs from the architecture of the letters.
There are no limits, only our imagination.
Light is the masculine polarity of creation in which manifests from the feminine polarity of sound. Essentially Light Codes contain the archetypal information in which connects in with the vibrational frequency of creation. We receive light; data and information from the Stars. We receive power and energy from the planets. The cosmos are a reflection of that which we are.
Working with Light Language is working with alchemy. It’s like building a recipe of intentions and using Light Language as an action towards that manifestation. We can potentiate the recipe by adding layers to our creation. This is why it can be so powerful to use vocalizations in addition to movements and mudras.
Our thoughts and intentions is one layer. Our imagination could be another layer; visualizing and seeing the action completed. An additional layer might be inner sound, articulating in the inner mind the action. We can add another layer by adding vocalizations and then mudras and movements. Further potentiating we could bring in a visual light code that contains the connection to further data.
Each area of the body is like an instrument in a symphony of manifestation. We are holographic beings, meaning that each part of the whole is contained within any smaller part. We see this idea in reflexology, iridology, or palm reading. Each body part is like having a different joystick or button on a video game controller. We can express Light Language with intention alone but we can add additional strength through the movement of the hands, tongue, eyes, legs, and more.
We all respond to energy moving through the body in similar ways one might experience Light Language. It’s a type of autonomic movement that occurs… it’s like surfing a wave.. The water itself moves you. Consider when we experience strong emotions, we don’t have to make a conscious decision on how our body responds to those emotions. We smile when we experience joy, we cry when we’re sad… or our body might sneeze or cough to help shift energy in the body.
Light Language is experienced similarly. Nothing is forced, it’s fluid and flowing. It’s somewhat of a hybrid of consciously accepting the movement of energy through the body while allowing it to happen autonomously. It feels good, it’s not tiring. If we are to try and “make up” words and force it we will actually become tired by it. Light Language is the opposite.. We will feel energized.
Some will experience this energy moving through the body as if there are opposing magnets that gently but confidently move the body. We will feel resistance if we make movements outside of the flow.. Like swimming against the current. This makes expressing Light Language extremely easy once we calm the resistant programs of physical mind that judges and fears.
Light Language is a form of Higher Identity integration. When an individual becomes “activated” it’s not some special thing. It’s simply the idea of re-membering (re-integrating) aspects of the Self that are connected to more diverse streams of data. When we’re activated we’re calibrating ourselves to be able to channel this information through our physical structures. Each of us are so unique, who we are and what we’re connected to at deeper levels can be extremely diverse… and because of this there are infinitely diverse expressions of Light Language.
Our bodies are advanced biological computers. We are receivers and transmitters of multidimensional information. We work on healing to help upgrade the hardware and firmware. We continue to heal and we upgrade our operating systems and the software utilized in the system. This is a constant process of evolution we experience naturally. Channeling Light Language is tapping into deeper levels of functionality in our embodied organic mechanics.
Light Linguistics is the recognition of the technical side of the Languages of Light. We each already know this stuff, it’s literally programmed into our DNA codex. Light Language is literally a programming tool that helps restructure the information held within our multidimensional DNA; the key to unlocking our true potential. As humanity re-members more of who and what they truly are we will see so many more of our human family remember this ability to channel Light Language. We may be mocked and misunderstood at first but over time they will re-member that it’s part of who they are and we can help them tap deeper into this existential gnosis that is held in every fiber and cell of our being.
If you’d like more information on Light Linguistics drop a comment and ask. We also have a class on our website that goes into more detail and even includes an activation & calibration to help tap into this innate ability. I also offer personal one-on-one sessions that can help activate you or activate further connections to aspects of self, unlocking countless expressions of dialects and code. Coaching sessions are also available to help you personally activate and elevate.
Re-member, this is all about tapping into more of who you truly are. It’s nothing outside of yourself, it's an act of embodying and empowering more of your limitless potential. You are POWERFUL. You are MAGICAL. You are ENOUGH.
We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!