Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Virgo

Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Virgo


@tyelfeels ✨♍️ Our Sun is aligned in Virgo from about September 16 - October 30 and with that alignment comes potent alchemical & archetypal themes we can take advantage of. Consciously working with the elements, themes, and archetypes during this period can rocket you forward in your embodimenr journey! Join us 9/28 to lean into the cosmic magic! ✨ #astrology #zodiac #virgo #virgo♍️ #virgoenergy #libra #libra♎️ #alchemy #ascension #krystic #christ #kathara #thirdeye #lightcodes #lightlanguage #energyhealing #spirituality #spiritualtiktok #witchtok #starseed #healing #healingtiktok #magick ♬ original sound - TY-EL iSlingMagic

Authentic cosmic body alignment of VIRGO: ~September 16 - October 30. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out. This is based on the alignments of the actual cosmic bodies, not a locked calendar system.


As our consciousness naturally navigates through the lens of our embodiment, the outer realities reflect this back to us. The cosmos are an outward reflection of our inner journey of re-membrance. The Zodiac represents certain architectural, archetypal, and alchemical processes. We can take advantage of the awareness of these themes to help guide us on our journey of re-membering our more expanded Self.

Virgo is the 6th stage in the progression of our inner and outer alchemy through the Zodiac in a solar cycle. The sun is in Virgo from around September 16th - about October 30th. There are natural alchemical themes that are available to us that we work through whether we're conscious or not but we can lean into the themes to potentiate the organic alchemy.

Virgo is associated with the 6th sphere of our base 12 human template, the 6th primary energy center at the third eye through the pituitary gland, the Celestial Mind, the element of Earth, the hexahedron/cube, the indigo spectrum, the cosmic bodies of Mercury & Jupiter, the metals of mercury/quicksilver & tin, the Law of Response (being that if we ask Spirit for assistance directly we will be served), the alchemical theme of purification & distilling, sound tone of B, and areas of the body around the abdominal region (large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas).

With the awareness of what we are already naturally navigating we can take advantage of these themes as our Sol (our sun) is in this alignment. We can take action or we can simply be aware these themes may organically present themselves to us. We can choose to consciously work with the Earth element, our third eye center, the color spectrum indigo, the cube, tin/mercury, and processes that support purification... as well as any other archetypes related to Virgo. 

This ongoing process related to Virgo focuses on purifying our internal energies, distinguishing between what is unnecessary and eliminating contaminants. The aim is to concentrate on the pure, essential substance that embodies our energetic consciousness. It involves accessing this essence through the inner spirit and channeling its energy into both our bodies and the Earth. This phase represents a refinement of our internal energies and spirit in connection with our physical being.


We've shared some concise information for Virgo below for your reference:

VIRGO – Approximately September 16/17th to October 30th (check an app like Stellarium to see where the Sun is authentically aligned)

  • Alchemical Theme: Distillation & Purification
  • Elemental Relationship: Earth
  • Elemental Form: Cube/Hexahedron
  • Color Spectrum: Indigo
  • Alchemical Metal: Mercury/Quicksilver & Tin
  • Sound Tone: B
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: Third sphere in "Soul" Matrix in HU2
  • Areas of the Body: Abdominal region: large and small intestines, lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum, thymus secretions, peristalsis of the bowels, pancreas
  • Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter & Mercury (and Earth)
  • Planetary Stargate 6 ( Moscow, Russia / Inner: Border of Indian & Pakistan border)
  • Galactic Stargate 6 (Jupiter)
  • Universal Stargate 6 (Sirius B Procyon)
  • Structural Dimension 6 (Celestial Mind)
  • Tribe 6 of the 12 tribes (Ramyana-Shridveta; Russian & Scandinavian fair skin with light hair and darker skinned Rama races of India)
  • Energy Center: Third Eye at Pituitary 
  • Law of Response

Ascension Alchemy of VIRGO:

During Virgo Solar Alchemy, a transformative process unfolds, aimed at purifying our internal energies. This journey helps to distinguish the essential from the extraneous, removing impurities from our system. We experience profound shifts, akin to lightning strikes, that penetrate our depths to awaken our true selves, acting as catalysts for further cleansing from spiritual corruption and toxic influences.

The objective is to cultivate the pure, essential substance of our core being and inner spirit, refining this energetic consciousness within our bodies. This process involves connecting with the Inner Holy Spirit, allowing its essence to infuse our physical being and extend into the Earth. It marks a phase of internal refinement and holy spirit activation, essential for integrating our multidimensional consciousness with our physical form.

The Virgo constellation embodies the energy of the sacred feminine's alchemical principles of purity, necessitating personal purification. It’s important to remember that humanity’s understanding of time, history, and sacred sciences like astrology has often been distorted by external forces seeking to impose control. For those on the embodied Krystic heart path, this time of Virgo amplifies the detoxification of artificial shadow forms from the Lightbody.

On the path of consciousness evolution, we enter Virgo’s purification gateway to shed unnecessary burdens and release the remnants of our shadow selves. Past emotional wounds resurface, inviting us to create sacred space for healing and to cleanse any contaminants affecting our heart, soul, and sexuality. As we grow emotionally, we willingly embrace this purification process, knowing it leads to spiritual wholeness, balance, and well-being. Ultimately, our efforts in purification guide us toward personal freedom, aligning us with Cosmic Kryst consciousness and self-sovereignty.

The Spirit of Purity represents a vital aspect of Krystic energy, drawing forth the moral powers of the Universe that honor divine natural laws through expressed virtues. These energies are intricately linked to the sacred divine feminine.

Law of Response:

This law suggests that when we genuinely seek guidance and assistance from spiritual-energetic realms, and we pray or ask directly for that support, we will always receive a response. It is up to us to learn how to listen for that response in the stillness of our heart or approach with a beginner’s mindset to receive the answer we seek. The key is to ask clearly and with loving intent, avoiding fear and anger, as these emotions could attract imposter spirits or hostile entities. If an answer doesn't come right away, it could be due to a weak spiritual connection or a matter of timing and location. We are encouraged to keep asking, aiming to connect with the All That Is. Spiritual and consciousness realms communicate through feelings, emotions, and sensory experiences, guiding us through our inner sensations. Even in moments when we feel lost in darkness or confusion, overwhelmed by the negative ego, we can always seek help and expect a response. When we feel isolated or need greater clarity, it’s important to ask and remain open-minded. The light within us can spark a transformation, dissolving the ego and allowing us to hear the inner message. As Yeshua famously was recognized for stating; "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you," which essentially describes the Law of Response.


The archetypal personality themes associated with Virgo include:

Analytical Mind: A keen attention to detail and a strong ability to critically analyze situations, often excelling at breaking down complex problems.
Practicality: A grounded and pragmatic approach, favoring realistic solutions over abstract ideas, which often translates into effective planning and organization.
Service Orientation: A strong desire to help others, seeking to improve lives through actions, whether through caregiving or social activism.
Perfectionism: A drive for excellence, leading to high standards for oneself and others, which can foster outstanding results but may also result in self-criticism and anxiety.
Modesty: A tendency to exhibit humility and a preference for remaining out of the spotlight, focusing on work rather than seeking recognition.
Health Consciousness: An attentive approach to health and wellness, often involving research and implementation of practices that promote physical and mental well-being.
Reliability: A strong sense of dependability, often seen as a trustworthy friend or colleague who takes commitments seriously.
Introspection: A propensity for self-reflection, striving for personal growth and understanding, leading to a deeper awareness of oneself and one’s motivations.

    Do you have questions about this Zodiac or how these alchemical themes apply to our re-membrance (ascension/incension) process? Leave us a comment and we'll discuss! 

    Remember: We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!


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