Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Taurus

Alchemical & Archetypal Themes for Taurus

Authentic cosmic body alignment of Taurus: ~May 14th - ~June 19th. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out.

As our consciousness naturally navigates through the lens of our embodiment, the outer realities reflect this back to us. The cosmos are an outward reflection of our inner journey of re-membrance. The Zodiac represents certain architectural, archetypal, and alchemical processes. We can take advantage of the awareness of these themes to help guide us on our journey of re-membering our more expanded Self.

As of June 1st, 2024 our Sun is aligned to the constellation of Taurus. Taurus is considered the second sign in the procession of our cosmic clock related to our solar cycles. Taurus is associated with the second sphere of our base twelve organic creational template (KA-THA-RA grid), the color spectrum of orange, the instinctual mind, the emotional body, the second primary energy center at the sacral, the pain body, the element of Earth, the hexahedron/cube, alchemical theme of congelation & transformation, areas of the neck & throat, and more. 

With the awareness of what we are already naturally navigating we can take advantage of these themes as our Sol (our sun) is in this alignment. We can take action or we can simply be aware these themes may organically present themselves to us. We can choose to consciously work with the emotional body, areas of the neck, the second energy center, the Earth element, the cube, the color orange, and other themes to accelerate our alignment. 

TY-EL will be hosting a donation based Quantum Healing transmission to assist with whatever is priority in the group field with the awareness that these themes are naturally available to assist us with alchemizing healing. This transmission will be available to purchase after the event and the benefits can be taken advantage of at any time - as the work takes place in the zero point field of no time. 

We've shared some concise information for Taurus below for your reference:

TAURUS – Approximately May 14 to June 19 (check an app like Stellarium to see where the Sun is authentically aligned)

  • Alchemical Theme: Congelation, Transformation
  • Elemental Relationship: Earth, Fixed, Nature
  • Elemental Form: Hexahedron, 6 faces, 8 points, 12 edges & 2160 degrees
  • Tone: D
  • Color Spectrum: Orange
  • Alchemical Metal: Copper (Women have about 20% higher copper serum in their blood than men.)
  • Relates to: Dimensional Phonon Resonance; Isotopic Cooling
  • Primary Planetary Correlation: Venus
  • Primary Embodied Correlations: Incarnate Identity Matrix, Chakra 2 Svadhisthana, Pertains to Upside down Trinity light cells within the Higher Heart whose phasing creates tachyons and the Eternal Lotus Seed which begins the krystal life spiral return to source backflow current, KA center
  • Areas of the Body: Neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae.
  • Astrological Correspondence: Taurus – Venus – Earth
  • Royal Star: Aldebaran
  • Star Gate 2 (~Sarasota, Florida/Jerusalem)
  • Structural Dimension 2
  • Tribe 2 of the 12 tribes
    1. Unworthiness
    2. Shame / Guilt
    3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt
    4. Betrayal / Abandonment
    5. Anger / Rage
    6. Fear
    7. Entrapment / Enslavement
  • Themes:
    • Our Relationships to Others (includes family, friends, lovers, partners)
    • Boundaries in our personal relationships
    • Our relationship to our Inner Child (are we a loving parent to our inner child?)
    • Subconscious programs or archetypes we carry related to the ego's belief of identity
    • Desire body and instinctual body processes, like Addiction and reactionary emotions
    • Creative intelligence flow, our true passion and purpose
    • Female empowerment and the true power of defining the Goddess energy within
    • Reproduction beliefs, and our reproductive glands and organs

    Do you have questions about this Zodiac or how these alchemical themes apply to our re-membrance (ascension/incension) process? Leave us a comment and we'll discuss! 

    Remember: We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!

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