@tyelfeels ✨♎️⚖️ Libra is the 7th stage in our solar alchemical cycle. The Zodiac constellations hold signature archetypal data that helps facilitate a natural alchemical process of sythesizing from the perspective of a simple physical being to a consciously embodied spiritual being. We share some of those alchemical themes in this video so that you can consciously work with these elements to accelerate your embodiment journey! #quantumhealing #zodiac #astrology #libra #libra♎️ #alchemy #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualtiktok #healing #ascension #kathara #fyp ♬ Last Hope - Steve Ralph
Authentic cosmic body alignment of LIBRA: ~October 31st to ~November 22. This natural alignment also includes the Zodiac of Ophiuchus that mainstream astrology often leaves out. This is based on the alignments of the actual cosmic bodies, not a locked calendar system.
As our consciousness naturally navigates through the lens of our embodiment, the outer realities reflect this back to us. The cosmos are an outward reflection of our inner journey of re-membrance. The Zodiac represents certain architectural, archetypal, and alchemical processes. We can take advantage of the awareness of these themes to help guide us on our journey of re-membering our more expanded Self.
Libra is the 7th stage in the progression of our inner and outer alchemy through the Zodiac in a solar cycle. The sun is in Libra from around October 31 - about November 22. There are natural alchemical themes that are available to us that we work through whether we're conscious or not but we can lean into the themes to potentiate the organic alchemy.
Libra is associated with the 7th sphere of our base 12 human template, the 7th primary energy center at the crown, the Monad Mind, the element of Air, the octahedron, the violet spectrum, the cosmic bodies of Saturn & Venus, the metals of copper & lead, the Law of Cause & Effect, the alchemical theme of Sublimation & Transformation, sound tone of F#, and areas of the body related to the kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, medulla, and ovaries..
With the awareness of what we are already naturally navigating we can take advantage of these themes as our Sol (our sun) is in this alignment. We can take action or we can simply be aware these themes may organically present themselves to us. We can choose to consciously work with the Air element, our crown center, the color spectrum violet, the octahedron, copper and/or lead, and processes that support purification... as well as any other archetypes related to Libra.
We've shared some concise information for Libra below for your reference:
LIBRA – Approximately October 31 to November 22 (check an app like Stellarium to see where the Sun is authentically aligned)
- Alchemical Theme: Sublimation & Transformation
- Elemental Relationship: Air
- Elemental Form: Octahedron
- Color Spectrum: Violet
Alchemical Metal: Copper & Lead
- Sound Tone: F#
- Primary Embodied Correlations: First sphere in "Monad" Matrix in HU3
- Areas of the Body: Kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, medulla, and ovaries.
- Astrological Correspondence: Saturn & Venus
- Planetary Stargate 7 (Lake Titicaca & Paxos)
- Galactic Stargate 7 (Saturn)
- Universal Stargate 7 (Arcturus: Omega Centauri)
- Structural Dimension 7 (Ketheric Mind)
- Tribe 7 of the 12 tribes (Mahata-Agrah; Peru Incas and indigenous olive-skinned peoples of Greece)
- Energy Center: Crown
- Law of Cause & Effect
Ascension Alchemy of LIBRA:
As we raise our consciousness, we naturally learn to transform and uplift negative emotions and energies. By cultivating an "observer consciousness," we can witness our emotions and external events without identifying ourselves with them. Through this detached observation, we alchemically transform these energies, elevating them into higher, more refined states. This process leads us to spiritual harmony, which aligns our energetic environment to its highest expression.
Sublimation is an essential part of the Compassionate Witness—developed through a deepened awareness of the body and a connection to higher consciousness. We learn to observe our thoughts, emotions, and energies neutrally. With heightened consciousness, we gain the ability to redirect inner discord and disharmony, which naturally enhances harmony within and around us. When we distill the spirit within, we enter the next stage of ascension, where sublimating and transmuting negative energies becomes an effortless, ongoing process.
Law of Cause & Effect:
The quality of energy created through our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors initiates a cycle that inevitably returns to its source, completing a full circuit. Although there are many planes of causation, everything ultimately adheres to this principle: at the end of each cycle, all energy is balanced and accounted for. It’s our responsibility to understand and align with this universal law, recognizing that as we grow in consciousness, we will ultimately answer for our actions and account for the energy we've generated. There is no randomness, luck, or chance—every effect has a cause, and every cause produces an effect.
Aligning with this principle empowers us to rise above limiting, negative thought patterns and consciously create our own reality, rather than being at the mercy of external influences or circumstances. Making this shift frees us from traditional victim or adversarial roles and enables us to act from our own authentic center.
It’s essential that we discern the difference between positive and negative forces to anticipate the results these energies will bring into our lives. Without understanding the causal relationship between our actions and their effects, or without distinguishing between positive and negative forces, we may experience confusion or unhappiness. Positive, loving actions bring about positive, loving outcomes; conversely, fear-driven actions lead to fear-based results. Through the polarity we choose—love or fear—we create outcomes that reflect our inner state. Humanity has the freedom of choice, and the alignment of our thoughts and decisions determines whether we experience peace or chaos, clarity or confusion.
Learning from our past choices, especially from any unpleasant results, allows us to make more loving, aligned decisions in the future. By growing from our mistakes, we cultivate right thinking and alignment with this universal law. Increased pain signals the need for transformation, prompting us to make necessary changes. This awareness compels us to be clear about our values and intentions; where we place our focus, time, and energy initiates forward movement through the Law of Cycles, aligning us with either the vibration of love or fear.
The archetypal personality themes associated with Libra include:
Warm, sociable, thoughtful, fair-minded, driven to do good, cooperative, focused on harmony in relationships, love, unity, and travel. Diplomatic and often eager to please, with a desire for approval from others. Beneath the surface, there's a strong urge to balance inner and outer worlds. As a Libra, relationships are a central focus, bringing a need to engage fully in life without losing oneself in relationships or life itself.Do you have questions about this Zodiac or how these alchemical themes apply to our re-membrance (ascension/incension) process? Leave us a comment and we'll discuss!
Remember: We SEE you, we FEEL you, we LOVE you! BE YOU, Beautiful Soul!